Posted: 10/05/2021 12:14:08

Ian Ramsay, CEng, FRINA, FIES

It is with considerable sadness that the team at The Tall Ship Glenlee note the passing of Ian Ramsay.  Ian was a shipbuilding stalwart who started his career with A & J Inglis at the Pointhouse Yard, where Glenlee is berthed today.  His career was diverse and he rose to the very highest positions within the shipbuilding world.

Aside from his professional career, he was much involved in the maintenance and restoration of both Waverley and Glenlee.  He gave much time and effort and throughout his opinion was highly valued.

For Glenlee, not only was he the Chair of the Ship Committee (on several occasions) but also was a trustee for many years.  He was also the author of the book 'Glenlee - How a riveted sailing ship was built'.  This reference book is much respected and Ian, whose early career involved riveted ships, was probably one of the very few who could have written this.  It is an important document in explaining what was achieved by the shipyards for vessels of that era.

Ian was also a family man and leaves a wife, a son and daughter and several grandchildren.  Our thoughts are with his family at this time

A more detailed description of Ian's Shipbuilding career can be found here