Volunteering is a very important part of The Tall Ship Glenlee.  The contribution of Volunteers assists greatly in delivering a world class experience to our visitors.  In return we aim to provide our volunteers with a the opportunity to develop themselves developing new skills and building a track record of transferable skills and experiences.

We offer volunteering in a number of different sectors throughout the organisation:

  • Crewing
  • Visitor Services Team
  • The workshop
  • Museum and Interpretation support
  • Learning and Access
  • Administration and Media support.

To sign up as a volunteer please use this link

All our volunteers are provided with training about the Glenlee and the organisation, and then they can specialise.  All Volunteers and Staff also contribute towards the safety of our visitors, while helping them to make the most of their visit.  Volunteers will be given support for the roles they undertake and will be given regular feedback and references for future employers can be provided.  Our aim is to make our volunteers feel part of the overall team for the Tall Ship and to help them share their skills (whatever they may be).


Volunteer commitment may vary from a few hours per month to a more serious commitment.  All that we ask is that each person does what has been agreed.  We will pay reasonable expenses, such as travel up to the value of an all day Glasgow bus ticket, and anything else by prior agreement.   We will provide snacks and or a meal depending on the length of session.  (Further details available on the Tall Ship Volunteering Website)


Our crew are a multi-discipline team.  They perform a huge amount of maintenance on the Ship to make sure that all the ship-board systems are available for the visitors.  Some of the tasks might include caulking the desks, checking the rig (do you like climbing?), preparation and painting and electrical systems.  Additionally crew could expect to work with ropes and maybe produce decorative ropework.


The Visitor Services Team are the public facing element of what we do.  Working with one of our core team, volunteers could expect to find themselves greeting visitors, working in the cafe or shop (retail experience), supervising the play areas or interactive displays, providing additional information to visitors and could work up to giving guided tours to the visiting public.


The Team at the Tall Ship delivers a world class Learning and Access Programme to school pupils and other visitors.This may be a workshop for school pupils or a Guided Tour to better help visitors understand the Glenlee and her significance.  Would you like to be a part of this team, can you help make the ship come alive.


In our workshop and under the guidance of our boatbuilder, volunteers develop skills and help make parts of the ship and maintain them.  Our pinnace and one of the lifeboats were built by volunteers.

Sign up as a Volunteer with the Tall Ship here