Day One

"The day dawned with clear weather and few clouds. We arrived at ship 07300hrs and the Pilot went on board the tug Wallasey. Draught for’d and aft was checked (9’ 10” and 17’ 09”)

0800 Tug Wallasey fast for’d. And Spanish harbour tug Estapan fast aft. Let go fore and aft mooring lines, canted.

0830 entered lock

0845 cleared lock and proceeded down Guadalquivir River. This departure pleased me greatly as it had been aimed at for some months and had been achieved. The stern tug Estepan was retained for some time and, as all was going well apart from stirring up a little mud, was dismissed at 0953. It was a five-hour voyage downriver to the sea.

1627 Pilot away from Wallasey; left the River, entered open sea and lengthened tow for ocean passage. Inspections carried out and all well. Slight athwart ships movement noted in rudder stock. Rolling easily to Westerly swell.

At this time two stowaways were noted on deck. They completed nearly the entire voyage and were named Heederum and Hodderum."


The logbook of Captain Alistair Miller

Edits by Elizabeth Allen

Image courtesy Hamish Hardie