Day 19
No location recorded
"From 12 mn to 4am it was squally and raining frequently. The wind increasing we furled the staysails and main lower topga'n'sail at 1.30 am. The rain had made the canvas as hard as a board and we were about half an hour getting it made fast as it was raining most of the time and being encumbered with oilskins it was no joke. With the rising sea water was beginning to show itself over the rail but we did not get wet. The furies are descending upon us and water is coming aboard in grand style.
At 12 md we lowered down the fore upper topsail and the port watch furled it. The port watch set the yards dead square this afternoon and then braced them up a slight bit this evening. During the latter operation Davis got one of his sea boots full-up. It is blowing best part of a gale but the "Red Clipper" is running like a race-horse under the main upper topsail.
I have just saved the half-deck getting full up. The ship filled up the deck fore and aft and I perceived water rising over the step of the half-deck. I estimate that about three buckets of water came in before I could unhook and shut the door."