Day Seven

No location recorded

"At about 3 am we came out to pull in the fore braces and result a wetting. We had nearly finished when I heard a bang against the side and so I decided to go. A sea arose over the rail. Two of us escaped. I sustained a slight amount of spray down the back of my neck and the other chap was out of it altogether.

The rest of the watch, Reggie included, received the water in grand form. The still night was then broken by the unusual thing at sea, namely profane language, while we two dry beings stood by and laughed at the dripping crowd.

At about 10.30 am we had a very heavy squall and the rain came down like a sheet. I was for'ard at the time and we requiring rain water I got a large barrel and started aft. I, having not been in a brewery my skill at barrel rolling is not to perfection. I reached my destination but not before getting a wetting through. I put oilskins on and then as if by magic the rain ceased.

We set the main upper top ga'n'sail at 11 pm. A most unearthly hour to set sail and we found another flying fish during the operation."