Day Seventy Eight

Lat. 36° 38' S  Long. 8° 21' E  Dist. 150 miles

"We did some cracking on during the first and morning watch. During the morning watch the other watch squared in the yards. It drizzled with rain all night and we had a bonsor squall with heavy rain and the wind came aft.

At 5 pm we jybed ship, the wind coming round on the starboard quarter. I invested in two dozen boxes of matches out of the slop chest costing 1/- dozen. I lost continually up to seven boxes and then dame fortune smiled and I regained all but two. And then the time to finish was at hand.

Continued calculation as to when we will get in. At the rate we are going now we expect to arrive about Friday night or Saturday morning. But I expect it will be Sunday. We have 514 miles to go today and 10 pm still a strong breeze."