Here you will find a number of 360-degree images that will let you explore some parts of Glenlee without leaving your home - although it is much more fun to visit!

Remember, you can click on the icon at the right of the image to go full screen and you can move the picture to the right, to the left, up and down.  For the time being, these are available:-

  • The Poop Cabin
  • Captain's Cabin
  • Mate's Cabin
  • Apprentices' Cabin
  • Steward's Pantry
  • Chartroom
  • For'ard Deckhouse

The Poop Cabin - this saloon was the shared accommodation of the officers, used for eating, entertaining guests, and dealing with officials who came on board.

Captain's Cabin - The Captain had his own cabin and sometimes his wife and family voyaged with him.

Mate's Cabin - the First Mate and Second Mate were each in charge of half the deck crew and had separate cabins. Here you can see Jock the cat taking a break while the Mate is on duty.

Apprentices Cabin - This cabin would be shared by a number of apprentices, all young men working on deck, aloft and learning the skills required to become officers.

Steward's Pantry - From this small space the Steward fed all the officers


Chart Room - a companionway (stairs) led directly up to the chart room from the Officers' Accommodation, so the Captain could be at the helm very quickly if anything happened. 


For'ard Deckhouse - this was the only space the crew had to themselves, sleeping in bunks. Hot in summer and very cold in winter. In stormy weather, if water entered the deckhouse it would surge around the floor - one reason why everything was kept in sea chests.  (You will get a better idea by watching the video of Peking, showing below on board.)