Built in 1896, Glenlee was constructed at a time when little consideration was given to disabled access. While we strive to make most of the ship accessible, there are certain areas where modifications are not possible without damaging the vessel's fabric.

Accessibility Features:

  • 360-Degree Images: To explore parts of the ship that are not accessible by lift, please visit our Looking Around Glenlee page.
  • Lift Access: We have a lift on board. Visitors who need to use the lift are advised to phone in advance to ensure smooth access.
  • Emergency Evacuation: Wheelchair users or visitors using mobility aids who wish to go below decks using the lift must consent to being transferred to an evac chair in case of an emergency.

Tidal Considerations:

  • The tidal nature of the River Clyde can affect accessibility during extreme high and low tides, causing steep angles on the entrance and exit gangways. Please be mindful of this when planning your visit.

Onboard Safety:

  • Steep Staircases: Traditional ship staircases are very steep. Please hold on, and if necessary, descend the stairs backwards.
  • Movement: As Glenlee is a floating vessel, it can move slightly with waves or wind. Please be aware of this and exercise caution while on board.


  • Toilets: Accessible toilets and baby changing facilities are available on board.
  • Changing Places Toilet: While we do not have a Changing Places toilet, one is available next door at the Riverside Museum.

For any additional information or specific accessibility needs, please contact us in advance. We look forward to welcoming you aboard Glenlee!

For detailed access information please visit our AccessAble page

For additional information or feedback, please contact Lauren Henning, our Learning and Museum Manager - lauren.henning@thetallship.com, 0141 3309077, The Tall Ship Glenlee, 150 Pointhouse Place, Glasgow, G3 8RS

Above all - Enjoy your visit!

Visual Story

Our visual story is designed to help children and young people prepare for their visit. It contains text and pictures to ensure all visitors know what they may see and experience during a visit to the ship. This is available here as a PDF or here as an adaptable PowerPoint


Large Print Interpretation

If you require our interpretation in large-print format, please ask at our ticket pavilion, or download here as a Word document or download here as a pdf.


Sensory Backpacks

As well as being exciting, a visit to the Glenlee can be overwhelming for some of our younger visitors, particularly those with sensory perception conditions. There are four backpacks available for families to use while onboard. Inside there are ear defenders, emotion cards, a soft animal toy and fidget toys. There is also a copy of our visual story included. We require a deposit when picking up which will be returned when dropping off, once the contents have been checked. To book one of these backpacks, please email learning@thetallship.com.